Monday, February 10, 2014

Communicate 1.1.1. Definitions of Communication

Just this morning while driving to work, I thought to myself, about how sleepy I was and the reason for that probably lies in the fact that my phone stays on the bedside table and makes a beeping noise every time I receive an e-mail or a Facebook post. I told myself, "just buy an old fashioned alarm clock and turn the phone off tonight". But, then I think what if there is an emergency and someone needs to get in touch with me. As much as I love technology, I think it is hindering us in other ways.  Sleep deprivation is only one of those. 

How have your individual communication skills changed as with the innovations in technology?

For me, the innovations in technology have caused me to hardly every talk on the phone.  I really do not even like to talk on the phone anymore.  To save money, we had our land line removed.  However, as Turkle suggested, I do enjoy the time when my phone is dead, and I have no distractions.  I am not yet to the point where I am reliant on my phone for company or connection.  I like the ease of sending a quick text when I need to, but our children are losing the communication skills that we learned.  Instead of saying" I was laughing so hard because it was so funny."  Now we simply type "LOL"

How have advancements in technology altered classroom communication? Will these change further?

Advancements in technology have altered classroom communication in many ways.  Communication between the teacher and student as well as the student with other students has been affected.  Teachers now have tools such as that will send out group texts to remind students of a test the next day.  Students are taking pictures of assignments and texting their classmates. E-mail is growing more accepted for students to send in work to their teachers or to communicate with them while they are out sick.
As much as classroom communication has changed, it will continue to change as our technology continues to grow.  Distance education will become even easier for the student and teacher.  While I think the possibility of all students being able to attend distance education courses is monumental, I still worry about the social aspect of our students. 

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