Saturday, February 1, 2014

Participate 4.1.3 Digital Health

With all of the digital resources we have at our disposal, sometimes we forget that too much exposure can be harmful.  It is very important to practice ergonomics and also remember to be active.  For the next month, I have decided to make some changes in my habits. I frequently suffer from neck and shoulder stiffness due to the amount of time I sit at a computer.  I work at a computer during the day, and then I come home and complete classwork for the Masters program at night. I plan to start with small things like sitting up straight at my desk and moving the mouse closer to the keyboard.  I hope to walk at least three days a week.

Visit some of the links below to learn more about the conditions caused by too much exposure.

The most proactive means of ensuring the most balanced blend of technology and well-being is to make an effort to limit screen-time and be sure to incorporate some activities that promote good health.  Exercise, dining with friends without electronic disruptions, reading, playing with your children are all good activities to balance the blend of technology and well-being.

Students and teachers can use a schedule to make sure they get the most from technology while simultaneously safeguarding good health. Making a conscious effort to include activities that do not include technology as well as activities that do will help limit screen-time and hopefully incorporate more active activities into their schedule.

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