Saturday, February 1, 2014

Participate 4.1.1 Digital Rights and Responsibilities

With Digital citizenship comes certain rights and responsibilities.  In order for a citizen to know what rights and responsibilities he or she has, Acceptable Use Policies have to be communicated. An Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is a policy that a user must agree to follow in order to be provided with access to a network or to the Internet.

Digital Learning Communities can benefit greatly from having an AUP in place. If digital citizens are given their rights and responsibilities and informed of any consequences for not following the AUP, they are more likely to behave responsibly.

Distance educators are no different than brick and mortar schools in that the professor can have students read and sign an AUP digitally at the beginning of the course. A good plan of action would be to have students read the AUP, print it, sign it, and scan it back in to send back to the distance educator signed. This could be done during the orientation module, and in fact as a student I have done this before.

Click here for a sample of Troup County Schools AUP

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