Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Create 3.1.1 Open Educational Resources and Creative Commons

Open Educational Resources and Creative Commons

It is very easy for teachers and students to go to a search engine and search for an image or a presentation, but this could be an easy way for someone to get into trouble.

Open Educational Resources and Creative Commons makes resources available for others under certain conditions.
Open Educational Resources 
are learning materials that can be used by teachers or students and are available online for free use. These materials can be used whether you are an instructor, a student, or simply a lifelong learner educating yourself. 

Some Creative Commons licenses one might encounter when searching for resources include:

 This license allows use as long as credit is given to the original creator.

 This license allows usage as long as no money is being made off of the usage.

 This license allows others to use and distribute as long as no changes are made to the original work.

 This license states that others can add to or alter the original work as long as they share it with the same     licenses that were on the original work. 

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