Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Participate 1.1.1 Character Traits

As part of the course requirement for MEDT 7475 The Distance Educator, I have enrolled in GVS TOOL MOOC.  As a participant in the program, I will be using this blog to reflect on what I learn. The first quest deals with digital citizenship and what qualities one must possess to be a good digital citizen.
Please click on the link below to get a better idea of what digital citizenship is.
Some qualities I feel that a digital citizen must possess are:
Navigation Skills- in order to be effective one must have the ability to navigate through digital media
Respect for others- respect for others, just like in a community, is essential in the digital world as well.
Ability to determine credibility of sites- the ability to determine which sites are creditable and which sites are not is very important. Finding information that is not reliable is not very helpful.
Privacy education (knowing what is safe to make public and what is not)-in the digital world it is so important to guard ourselves somewhat to protect us and our families.  Google yourself and see what you find!
While there are many traits that could be listed, I feel that respecting others is crucial. As well as our young ones knowing about what they should not post on public sites.
Definition Of Digital Citzenship

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