Thursday, March 13, 2014

Navigate 3.1.4 LMS Reporting

Navigate 3.1.4 LMS Reporting

More and more schools are going to analytical reporting to measure the growth of their students as well as if they are closing any gaps in learning. The levels of data follow:

  • Student Level – Student data can result in a report view that indicates the number of times a student accesses a course, attempts a quiz, visited content, or used a particular tool. The reports can aggregate across students in a course, and this data can be informative about the effectiveness of the online course.
  • Teacher Level – A report may look at course grades per course offering or across semesters/sessions to indicate positive or negative results per teacher, as well as overall material within the course’s effectiveness. A teacher may look at their own data or their students’ data for differentiation or evaluation of their teaching methods.
  • Course Level – Course level analytics are helpful to evaluate and re-design course materials and assessments.
  • Program Level – Program level data is used to evaluate the effectiveness in aggregate of the successes and failures of programs to inform administrators of areas for improvement.
 All of these different levels are important.The ability for the teacher to look at the data and analyze it allows he/she to offer differentiated learning as well as the ability to re-design a bad lesson plan.

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